Today because my class was canceled, I decided to take in a movie. When I heard that Max Payne was number one at the box office, i decided to go see it.
Now I have the video games at home and when I saw the first trailer of the film, I was excited. My excitement was short lived when I found out that the film was rated PG-13. Now I can understand, that the film was meant to bring in the younger audience, but I thought it was stupid ploy to make a quick buck. Max Payne was rated mature for violence, scary images, language, and drug and sexual content. This was a man's game and they were making a mockery of the whole thing. But as I sat in the darkened theater, expecting to be disappointed. I was greeted with a film that wasn't too bad.
The film main star Mark Wahlberg did a good job portraying Max Payne, but felt like he could be darker and more of a rouge cop. Mila Kunis did such a good job as Mona Sax, and I can't wait to see her character develop more, if there is a sequel. (Don't Leave The Theater Until After The Credits)
The only problem I had with the film, was the storyline. The trailer's hinted at the supernatural and I felt like that could have been more developed and explained for. But the action scenes were good, and there was a bit of that comic book fighting scene. You know where someone punches the hero, and there is a flash of color and sometimes a Bam! or Slam! Also from the trailer, it was hinted that film could be shot in the film noir sense, like a old detective type like that game. But it was more modern and there wasn't enough of narration from Max Payne like in the game.
So in the end, it was a nice movie to watch if you want to see some good action scenes and good mystery. But overall, it falls slightly short towards the end and the ending seemed too rushed. But still makes a good attempted for being based off a video game. If they make a sequel, make it a hardcore R film, or make it like The Dark Knight, a dark hardcore PG-13.